Welcome to Australind Pre-Mix – ‘Working Together for the Right Mix’___________________________________
John Hovey
John has 31 years’ experience in the civil construction industry, starting S&J Excavations in 1983 and Australind Premix in 1994. The Company has grown from a few employees to a major force in the South West, currently employing over 70 workers. In addition to catering for the public and owner builders, the company has been involved in many major projects over the years, such as – the WA Water Corporation Waroona Dosing Plant, the ongoing development of the Kingston and Treendale Estates in Australind, the expansions at the Bunbury Inner Harbour and at Worsley in Collie – and conducts contracts for Residential Builders, including WA Country Builders and Ventura and the Shire Councils of Harvey and Dardanup.
John is a member of the Master Builders Association and Bunbury Rotary and on the Board of the Civil Contractors Federation of WA and as a Community Board Member of the Kemerton Industrial Park Coordinating Committee.
